
Ultimate USCG License Renewal Checklist | MM-SEAS
10 Step Life-Changing USCG License Renewal Guide

I don’t need to tell you that renewing your United States Coast Guard license can be a complicated process.

This USCG license renewal guide walks you through step by step to make the typically frustrating renewal experience painless.

Infographic outlining path for USCG MMC renewal.

If this guide is overwhelming we get it and that is why we built MM-SEAS software. It will walk you through each step with clear instructions, videos and interactive checklists to make the captain license renewal process painless.

If you want to do it yourself, get expert help, or hand it off start to finish — we have a solution to get your USCG License paperwork done right.

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Here's the 10 steps for USCG Captains license Renewal

Aerial view of a sailboat on open water, symbolizing maritime activities for USCG MMC renewal and captain's license upgrades.
Step 1 Sea Service Documents

Go track down every CG-719S (Small Vessel Sea Service form), Sea Service Letter on Company Letterhead, Certificate of Discharge and Active Duty/ Reserve documents (USCG TOSS, Army TOSS, NOAA TOSS, USCG AOPS) of sea service you have earned.

Close-up of maritime certification documents, representing the process of USCG license upgrades and MMC renewals.
Step 2 Possible Training

Training and tests for Merchant mariner’s license renewal all depend on which USCG Licenses you hold and how many sea days you have in the last 5 years.

Group of medical professionals, symbolizing the medical certification process for USCG MMC renewals.
Step 3 USCG Medical

You need a valid medical certificate for the type of endorsement you are renewing. It must either be an unexpired medical certificate or submit a medical certificate application.

Close-up of a hand holding a USCG Merchant Mariner Credential, representing MMC renewal and credentialing process.
Step 4 Your Old MMC

You want to include a picture of all of the pages with text on them on your current USCG License and attachments.

Close-up of a TWIC card with an expiration date in 2024, representing credentials needed for USCG license renewals.
Step 5 TWIC or Exemption

You need a valid TWIC, have recent evidence of applying or a TWIC exemption memo.

Document labeled 'Drug Test Results' with a pen, symbolizing requirements for USCG license renewal and MMC certification.
Step 6 Drug Test Document

You need evidence of having passed a chemical test for dangerous drugs, a letter from a marine employer attesting to participation in a random drug testing program, or a letter attesting to pre-employment drug testing.

Table displaying fees for MMC with officer endorsement, including mmc renewal and upgrade processes.
Step 7 USCG Fees fees are one of the most common errors made by mariners. If MM-SEAS is creating a Perfect MM-SEAS application for you all of your fees are included in the $349 price for a Perfect MM-SEAS application. Or, you are welcome to figure out on your own.

Interior of a boat's helm, symbolizing the process of obtaining or renewing USCG captains license.
Step 8 Fill out the CG-719B

Print clearly and legibly while listing all of the endorsements you want to renew. MM-SEAS uses your profile to create perfect CG-719B forms and take care of everything behind the scenes for you so if you file with MM-SEAS you do not need to complete this form on your own.

Map of the US with highlighted locations, symbolizing USCG regional examination centers for license renewals and upgrades.
Step 9 Email to an REC

Submit your application to the nearest USCG Regional Exam Center via email. If you are using MM-SEAS, we can make PERFECT Applications automatically for you, submit them to the USCG and then deal with them in case any issues come up on your behalf.

Step 10 We're here to help

MM-SEAS PRO is available if you want unlimited live expert help from a USCG Licensing Specialist for $99 a year.

When you are ready to submit your application, you can choose to have the MM-SEAS software create a perfect application, handle the USCG application fees and have MM-SEAS staff work with the USCG on your behalf to resolve any issues for a flat fee of $349.

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Always Free | $349 if you file with us (Includes fees)
Aerial view of a sailboat on open water, symbolizing maritime activities for USCG MMC renewal and captain's license upgrades.

What do you need for a Captain's license renewal application?

Renewing your Captain's license involves several steps:

Step 1: Gather Your Sea Service Documents From the Last Five Years

It’s time to gather your Sea Service Letters and let’s fulfill the Sea Service Requirements for your Coast Guard License renewal. Go track down every CG-719S (Small Vessel Sea Service form), Sea Service Letter on Company Letterhead, Certificate of Discharge and Active Duty/ Reserve documents (USCG TOSS, Army TOSS, NOAA TOSS, USCG AOPS) of sea service you have earned.

Once you’ve gathered all of your sea service documents, start by counting up your sea days in the previous five years of your USCG MMC renewal application date. This number is what will drive Step 2!

If you know that you are not going to have 360 days in the last 5 years or it’s just a pain in the rear to track it all down, don't stress out. You can easily renew without it!

MM-SEAS User Tip: You can add all of your Sea Service documents into the software. The system will calculate everything for you and you will always have a safe place to store your documents.

USCG Small Vessel Sea Service Form CG-719S, used for documenting sea service days for license renewal or upgrade.

1.1 Create CG-719S (Small Vessel Sea Service) Forms for Your own Vessels

If you are the owner of a vessel on which you are claiming service, you can easily create and sign perfect CG-719S forms inside of MM-SEAS.

All you need to do is follow the steps and make sure you record every day that you were underway for over four hours on your vessel. MM-SEAS will guide you through creating and signing a perfect small vessel sea service form(CG-719S) that is ready to submit to the USCG with your application.

MM-SEAS User Tip: MM-SEAS gets rid of the typical math errors that happen with CG-719S forms and ensures that all necessary information has been entered onto the form.

1.2 Proof of Ownership if Using Your own Vessel on CG-719S (Small Vessel Sea Service) Form

If you are the owner of a vessel on which you are claiming service, you must submit one of the following proof of ownership documents for that vessel.

Acceptable proof of ownership may include: Title, Registration (state registered vessels), Certificate of Documentation (U.S. Coast Guard registered vessels), Proof of insurance (which clearly identifies the vessel) or a Bill(s) of sale.

MM-SEAS User Tip: Make sure your name is on the proof of ownership and the vessel ID you use on your CG-719S matches your proof of ownership document. If it doesn’t the USCG will not accept any of your sea time for that vessel.

Sailboat on open water at sunset, representing maritime activities related to captain's license renewal and upgrades.

Step 2: Your Sea Days From the Previous Five Years of Your USCG License Renewal Application Date Will Determine if Training or Tests are Required to Renew

Training and tests for merchant mariner credential renewal all depend on which USCG Licenses you hold and how many sea days you have in the last 5 years.

MM-SEAS User Tip: If you have added all of your Sea Service documents into MM-SEAS software the system will calculate everything for you and let you know what training and tests you need to simply renew Captains License.

2.1 Easily Renew your USCG License Domestic (National) endorsements

Everyone who holds a Merchant Mariner Credential will have a domestic endorsement such as Master, Mate, OUPV, 1AE, Chief Engineer and/or DDE.

You can find these on your MMC booklet below the statement “is entitled under Title 46 (Shipping) U.S. Code to serve in the capacity or capacities specified (National Only), subject to any limitations indicated”.

MM-SEAS User Tip: If you are using MM-SEAS they will be listed under “Domestic Training” on the Renewal Checklist.

2.2 Renewing Domestic (National) USCG License endorsements and you have 360 or more sea days in the previous five years of your renewal request

You do not need to take any license exam for your domestic USCG License renewal.

Just turn in your sea service making sure it’s signed everywhere it needs to be, the math adds up and it’s easy to read for the USCG Evaluators.

MM-SEAS User Tip: Make sure your name is on the proof of ownership and the vessel ID you use on your CG719S matches your proof of ownership document. If it doesn’t the USCG will not accept any of your sea time for that vessel.

2.3 Renewing your Domestic (National) USCG License endorsements if you have less than 360 days in the previous five years of your renewal request

You will need to take an open book take home test.

This will be emailed to you after your application is approved for all domestic licenses that you hold. If you currently possess a Master 200 GRT Near Coastal and an Able Seaman Special, you will take an open book test for each of them. Remember, you have been sailing and got your original domestic license so the open book test should be a breeze!

You may use any reference material to complete the renewal examination. Google, the library, any book, literally any resource. The only rule is that you may receive no help from any other person.

A grade of 90% is required to pass each module of the open book license examination.

For Officer Endorsements, you have a total of 90 days from the date they email the test. You get three attempts (it's an open book so you have to try to fail) and if you don’t pass after your third attempt you pay the $45 examination fee again and you get three more attempts.

For Rating Endorsements, you have 1 year from the date they email the test. You get three attempts (it's an open book so you have to try to fail) and if you don't pass this exam all that happens is that you will be required to reapply and retake the USCG renewal tests.

MM-SEAS User Tip: When you use MM-SEAS to submit your renewal application our USCG licensing specialist takes care of getting you your Open Book Take Home test emailed directly to you.

Skip ahead to Step 3 if you do not hold STCW endorsements, Radar Observer, Tankerman, Master of Towing or Mate (Pilot) of Towing

2.4 STCW, Radar, Master of Towing and Mate (Pilot) of Towing Endorsements Required Verbiage on your Sea Service Documentation

If you also hold any STCW, Radar, Master of Towing and Mate (Pilot) of Towing endorsements your sea service for renew needs to verify to the USCG that your “service includes ongoing participation in training and drills relevant to Basic Training” for STCW as well as Master of Towing and Mate (Pilot) of Towing.

You also need to get credit if you “carried out Bridge Watch duties in a position that routinely uses radar for navigation and collision avoidance purposes” if you hold a Radar Endorsement.

Certificate of Discharge and Active Duty Seatime (TOSS or AOPS)

  • Holds STCW, Master of Towing or Mate (Pilot) of Towing Endorsements: No Action is Needed

  • Holds Radar Observer: Must be serving as a Master, Mate or AB

Sea Service Letter on Company Letterhead

  • Holds STCW, Master of Towing or Mate (Pilot) of Towing Endorsements: Must state verbarium, “VESSEL NAME is required to conduct regular fire, emergency, and abandon ship drills. YOUR NAME’s service includes ongoing participation in training and drills relevant to Basic Training.”

  • Holds Radar Observer: Must be serving as a Master, Mate, Operator or AB and must state verbarium, “YOUR NAME carried out Bridge Watch duties in a position that routinely uses radar for navigation and collision avoidance purposes.”

If you are missing these exact statements on your sea service letter you have two options. Either have the company create a new sea service letter with the right verbiage or you can have them create a separate memo with exact dates listed on your sea service letter that has the correct verbiage.

If you do not have this exact verbiage your sea time is not counted towards renewal of your STCW, Master of Towing, Mate (Pilot) of Towing or Radar Observer endorsements.

CG719S (Small Vessel Sea Service Form)

  • Holds STCW, Master of Towing or Mate (Pilot) of Towing Endorsements: On a separate memo with exact dates listed on CG719S that must state verbarium, “VESSEL NAME is required to conduct regular fire, emergency, and abandon ship drills. YOUR NAME’s service includes ongoing participation in training and drills relevant to Basic Training.”

  • Holds Radar Observer: Must be serving as a Master, Mate, Operator or AB and on a separate memo with exact dates listed on CG719S that must state verbarium, “YOUR NAME carried out Bridge Watch duties in a position that routinely uses radar for navigation and collision avoidance purposes.”

2.5 How do I Renew my STCW Endorsements on my USCG License?

If you have 360 or more STCW qualifying sea days in the previous five years of your renewal application:

You will need to only take an STCW Basic Training Revalidation course to renew all of your STCW endorsements.

If you have less than 360 STCW qualifying sea days in the previous five years of your renewal application:

You will need to take an STCW Basic Training Refresher course to renew most of your STCW endorsements. If you also hold STCW Proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats (PSC) you will need to take a Proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats (PSC) Refresher course as well. If you also hold STCW Fast Rescue Boat (FRB) you will need to take a Fast Rescue Boat (PSC) Refresher course as well.

MM-SEAS User Tip: MM-SEAS will automatically let you know what STCW courses you need to renew your STCW. This is based on how many sea days you have entered into the software.

2.6 How do I Renew my STCW Advanced Fire Fighting USCG License Endorsement?

If you have 360 or more STCW qualifying sea days in the previous five years of your renewal application:

You will need to take an STCW Advanced Fire Fighting Revalidation course to renew your STCW Advanced Fire Fighting endorsement.

If you have less than 360 STCW qualifying sea days in the previous five years of your renewal application:

You will need to take an STCW Advanced Fire Fighting Refresher or Original course to renew your STCW Advanced Fire Fighting endorsement.

MM-SEAS User Tip: If you hold STCW Advanced Fire Fighting MM-SEAS will automatically let you know what STCW Advanced Fire Fighting course you need to renew your STCW. This is based on how many sea days you have entered into the software.

2.7 How do I Renew my Radar Observer?

If you have 360 or more Radar qualifying sea days in the previous five years of your renewal application:

You do not need to take any courses to renew your Radar Observer endorsement.

If you have less than 360 Radar qualifying sea days in the previous five years of your renewal application:

You will need to take an original, refresher, or recertification Radar Observer course or have taught an original, refresher, or recertification Radar Observer course twice in the last 5 years

Skip ahead to Step 3 if you do not hold Tankerman, Master of Towing or Mate (Pilot) of Towing

2.8 How do I Renew My USCG Master or Mate (Pilot) of Towing License

If you have 360 days of creditable sea time for Master or Mate (Pilot) of Towing with the exact Training and Drills verbiage on your documentation of sea service:

You do not need to take any course or a new TOAR to renew your Master or Mate (Pilot) of Towing endorsement.

If you have less than 360 days of creditable sea time for Master or Mate (Pilot) of Towing OR you are missing the exact Training and Drills verbiage on your documentation of sea service:

You will need to either have a Designated Examiner from this list sign off on Part D of the TOAR for the route you are renewing or take an USCG approved TOAR Renewal/ Original Course.

2.9 How do I Renew my Tankerman - PIC USCG License?

If you have been holding a valid Tankerman PIC and have 90 sea days onboard tank vessels performing duties associated with Tankerman PIC for the type of cargo you are endorsed for and you provide documentation of Two transfers of that type of cargo within the previous five years of your renewal application:

You do not need to take any courses to renew your Tankerman PIC endorsement.

If you do not meet the sea service and practical experience renewal requirements within the previous five years of your renewal application:

You will need to take a USCG approved Tankerman Course for the type of cargo you are approved for. If you hold Tankerman PIC for both DL and LG you would need to take a course for each type of cargo.

2.10 How do I Renew my Tankerman - PIC (Barge) USCG License?

If you have been holding a valid Tankerman PIC (Barge) and you provide documentation of Two transfers for the type of cargo you are endorsed for within the previous five years of your renewal application:

You do not need to take any courses to renew your Tankerman PIC (Barge) endorsement.

If you do not meet the sea service and practical experience renewal requirements within the previous five years of your renewal application:

You will need to take a USCG approved Tankerman Course for the type of cargo you are approved for. If you hold Tankerman PIC (Barge) for both DL and LG you would need to take a course for each type of cargo.

2.11 How do I Renew my Tankerman - Assistant / Engineer USCG License?

If you have been holding a valid Tankerman Assistant / Engineer and have 90 sea days onboard tank vessels performing duties associated with Tankerman Assistant / Engineer for the type of cargo you are endorsed for within the previous five years of your renewal application:

You do not need to take any courses to renew your Tankerman Assistant / Engineer endorsement.

If you do not meet the sea service and practical experience renewal requirements within the previous five years of your renewal application:

You will need to take a USCG approved Tankerman Course for the type of cargo you are approved for. If you hold Tankerman Assistant / Engineer for both DL and LG you would need to take a course for each type of cargo.

Group of medical professionals, symbolizing the medical certification process for USCG MMC renewals.

Step 3: You need A Valid Medical Certificate to Renew Your USCG License

You need a valid medical certificate for the type of endorsement you are renewing. It must either be an unexpired medical certificate or submit a medical certificate application. Getting your USCG medical certificate is easy and is a crucial step in the MMC renewal process.

  • Print off a CG-719K form from the USCG NMC Medical website.

  • Schedule your medical exam with a physician, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner who is licensed in the US or US Territory.

  • Bring the printed form CG-719K with you to your medical exam appointment.

  • Have your medical provider complete all 10 pages and sign the form.

  • After your exam, email the completed CG-719K form directly to as a pdf file.

Make sure to include your full name in the subject line or your email to medical. I usually use this format: Last, First, MMC Reference Number. Mine would be: Gilman, Nate, 347478

Click here to print off a CG-719K Form from the Coast Guard Medical website

If you only hold Ordinary Seaman, Wiper and Food Handler you may use the shorter CG-719K/E. No one else may use this form.

Close-up of a hand holding a USCG Merchant Mariner Credential, representing MMC renewal and credentialing process.

Step 4: You Need a Picture of Your Current MMC and Attachments to Renew Your USCG License

MM-SEAS User Tip: For your USCG Merchant Mariner Renewal, add your MMC pages by taking a picture with your phone. This skips the photocopier and allows you to create perfect applications from your phone and desktop. MM-SEAS will store your documents, and automatically alert you as your expiration is coming up.

Photocopy all attachments on front and back of what you are renewing. This can be your uncancelled MMD, MMC, license, STCW endorsement, Certificate of Registry (COR), or Document of Continuity.

Close-up of a TWIC card with an expiration date in 2024, representing credentials needed for USCG license renewals.
MM-SEAS memorandum regarding TWIC exemption for MMC renewal, addressed to the US Coast Guard National Maritime Center.

Step 5: You need a Valid TWIC, Have Recent Evidence of Applying or a TWIC Exemption Memo

MM-SEAS User Tip: MM-SEAS can create a Perfect TWIC Exemption Memos inside of the site for you. One less thing to worry about and you just saved $125.25 but lost out on TSA Precheck!

If you do need a TWIC card for work then you should renew it online.

Go to this link and follow the steps to renew your TWIC
Document labeled 'Drug Test Results' with a pen, symbolizing requirements for USCG license renewal and MMC certification.

Step 6: You need Negative Drug Test Documentation to renew your OUPV Six-Pack captain license

MM-SEAS User Tip: Add your Drug Test Paperwork and MM-SEAS will automatically alert you as the 185 days are coming up.

For all renewal applications, you’ll need evidence of having passed a chemical test for dangerous drugs. You may also use a letter from a marine employer attesting to participation in a random drug testing program, or a letter attesting to pre-employment drug test from your employer instead of a drug test. There are a few exceptions to this requirement including increasing in scope, asking for a duplicate, or applying for an STCW only endorsement.

There are three options to meet this requirement, so schedule your drug test accordingly. You only need to fulfill one of the options and it must be dated within 185 of your application being submitted.

  • Option One: Provide the results of a DOT 5 Panel Urine Test for Marijuana, Cocaine, Opiates, Phencyclidine, and Amphetamines. Make your life easier by bringing the CG-719P Periodic Drug Testing Form with you to the clinic with a certified Medical Review Officer (MRO) approved through AAMRO or MROCC. ​​Make sure your test states Negative and is signed by the Medical Review Officer (MRO). The USCG will not accept a Positive Result, a Negative - Dilute or a Drug Test Document that is not Signed by a Medical Review Officer (MRO)

  • Option Two: Provide a letter on marine employer stationary or on command letterhead attesting to participation in random drug testing program. You must include the exact text from the Overview of Drug Test Requirements Option Two on the USCG website in your letter.  Drug testing letters from a Union will not be accepted by the NMC. If you are part of a Drug Testing Consortium they can provide you a Drug Test Letter. You will need to reach out to your Drug Testing Consortium and ask for a Drug Test Letter to use on your upcoming USCG License Application.

  • Option Three: Provide a letter on marine employer stationary attesting to pre-employment drug testing. You must include the exact text from the Overview of Drug Test Requirements Option Three on the USCG website in your letter.

Table displaying fees for MMC with officer endorsement, including mmc renewal and upgrade processes.

Step 7: The Federal USCG Fees

MM-SEAS User Tip: fees are one of the most common errors made by mariners. Our team calculates and pays the fees perfectly every time which helps create a Perfect application. That’s why we include it in our fee and guarantee they are done right every time!

If MM-SEAS is creating a Perfect MM-SEAS application for you all of your fees are included in the $349 price for a Perfect MM-SEAS application. You are welcome to figure out on your own and we drop the MM-SEAS Perfect Application price down to $249 if you paid the right fees. If you paid the wrong amount it will be full price plus any extra fees we have to pay on your behalf!

Add your receipt to MM-SEAS if you want to do it yourself under Renewal Checklist.

This guidance will help calculate your renewal fees and pay for your renewal on First, you need to use the table as set forth in 46 CFR 10.219 to calculate the appropriate fees for your license renewal.

Next, go to the USCG Merchant Mariner User Fee Payment page on Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the “Continue to Form” button. Fill out the form with your personal details. At the bottom of the first section, “Applicant/Mariner Details,” you will need to choose a Regional Exam Center (REC). Choose the REC that is closest to your home address. The “User Fee Information” section will populate as you select your credential category, endorsement, and credential fees. When you are ready, click “Continue” and pay with a credit card. After payment, will automatically email you a receipt. Keep this email receipt and submit it with your renewal request as proof of payment.

Interior of a boat's helm, symbolizing the process of obtaining or renewing captains license.

Step 8: Fill Out the CG-719B Application Form

MM-SEAS User Tip: We use your MM-SEAS profile to create perfect CG-719B forms and take care of everything behind the scenes for you. We promise that you will always keep all of the endorsements you want to renew.

It’s strongly recommended that you ask for every single endorsement that you want to be renewed. If you do not put it in writing as part of your renewal application, the USCG commonly omits endorsements you previously held and are qualified to renew.

First, fill out the CG-719B form.

Help with Description of Endorsements Desired Box in Section II - We know the Description of Endorsements Desired Box on the form is small and you might not have room to fit all of your requested endorsements with every single endorsement you want upgraded, added or an increase in scope in the box. If you can’t fit everything in the box, attach a memo to the form and outline why you are qualified.

If you are just renewing all of your endorsements the USCG prefers that you write, “Renewal of all current credentials” in the Description of Endorsements Desired Box in Section II. We recommend attaching a memo with all endorsements you want renewed as well.

Map of the US with highlighted locations, symbolizing USCG regional examination centers for license renewals and upgrades.

Step 9: Submit your Application Packet to the Nearest Regional Exam Center (REC)

MM-SEAS User Tip: If you are using MM-SEAS, we can make PERFECT Applications automatically for you, submit them to the National Maritime Center (NMC) and then deal with them in case any issues come up on your behalf. We put everything in the preferred order for the NMC evaluators to make it as easy as possible for your application to be quickly reviewed and approved.

Submit your completed, signed application and documents, with all of the above eight steps documents attached to the nearest USCG Regional Exam Center via email.

All of your documents must be submitted as PDF. You can use electronic signatures as long as they can be verified and your PDF document is not locked afterwards. Your packages of PDF documents cannot be larger than 35MB as the USCG email systems will not accept attachments larger than 35MB. You need to separate all of your documents into 35MB files to submit to the REC.

When you submit your application packet to the REC, make sure to name each attachment and the email subject line the same: Last, First, MMC Reference number, (Original/Renewal/Upgrade) Package

As an example my first attachment and email subject line for an renewal would be: Gilman, Nate, 3473478, Renewal Package

Close-up of maritime certification documents, representing the process of USCG license upgrades and MMC renewals.

Step 10: We’re Here to Help!

These nine steps may seem a little daunting and we agree.

This is why my team and I built MM-SEAS ( Software. If you want to do it yourself, get expert help, or hand it off start to finish — we have a solution to get your USCG License done right.

MM-SEAS FREE gives you everything you need to complete your renewal or upgrade application on your own.

MM-SEAS Pro is for mariners who want personal support from live license experts to renew and upgrade their Merchant Mariner Credential while progressing in their career.

When you are ready to submit your application, you can choose to have the MM-SEAS software create a perfect application, handle the USCG application fees and have MM-SEAS staff work with the USCG on your behalf to resolve any issues for a flat fee of $349.

Visit the MM-SEAS team on Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube for more tips on license renewals and upgrades.

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Additional FAQ:

Is there a grace period for USCG license renewal?

Coast Guard licenses, also known as 'credentials,' are valid for five years, with a one-year grace period for renewal without re-testing. In cases where mariners need to extend this grace period, they can apply for a Document of Continuity, which the Coast Guard will issue for free. For more details on the grace period and the renewal process, you can refer to our detailed explanation here.