
Entry Level Mariner Application Support

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Entry level applications and entry level renewals are just $10 plus the USCG  fees
Devices showing MM-SEAS platform for managing USCG MMC renewals, upgrades, and applications.

Hey fellow hawsepipers!

We know navigating the MMC application process can be complicated. That's why we at MM-SEAS USCG Licensing Software want to make it one less thing to worry about when you're starting your career.

If you're applying for only Ordinary Seafarer, Wiper, and Food Handler on your own we're happy to set you up for success for just $10 plus the USCG fees.
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Entry level applications and entry level renewals are just $10 plus the USCG fees
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No Mistakes
MM-SEAS double checks your application looking for common mistakes that create the majority of awaiting information letters being issued from the USCG NMC.
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In the Perfect Order
MM-SEAS pays your federal fees, organizes all of your paperwork exactly as the USCG evaluators want it, and then submits it to the REC for you.
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We Deal with the NMC
MM-SEAS deals with the NMC bureaucracy for you quickly, so you can focus on more important things in life.

What our customers are saying

Do I need a USCG license to work on a boat in the US?

No. You do not but there are numerous vessels that you are required to hold an MMC to work on them. We always recommend finding out what is required to work on the vessels you would like to work on and then only get the minimum requirements you need to start working. Maritime employers and unions will help you with the training and guidance to grow your USCG license if they need you to have one.

What is an entry level Merchant Mariner Credential?

A basic MMC from the Coast Guard comes with three entry level endorsements on it automatically. You are issued Ordinary Seafarer (OS), Wiper, and Food Handler endorsements on your Merchant Mariner Credential. These three entry level endorsements allow you to work on commercial vessels in the deck department, the engine department, and the stewards department.

What do I need to do to get an entry level Merchant Mariner Credential?

MM-SEAS USCG Licensing Software is designed to walk you through the steps to get your entry level MMC.

You will need to provide documentation of being a US Citizen or alien admitted for permanent residence in the US, you need to be at least 16 years old (with parental/guardian consent if under 18), you will need to pass a drug test within the last 6 months before submitting your application, you must hold or be approved for a Medical Certificate (CG-719K or CG-719KE), you need to obtain a Transportation Workers Identification Card (TWIC) card, and then pay the USCG evaluation and issuance fees which add up to $140.

You can do this entire process on your own or you can use MM-SEAS USCG Licensing software to guide you through the process for free and when you're ready to submit we will just charge you $10 plus the USCG evaluation and issuance fees no matter if its your first credential or you are renewing your current MMC.

How much does it cost to get an entry level MMC?

The most expensive part of getting an MMC is the USCG evaluation and issuance fees of $140. The second most expensive part is the USCG medical certificate exam which must be completed on the CG-719K or CG-719KE forms. The cost for a USCG physical varies depending on where you are in the country from $75 to $200. Do not let them make you see a specialist if your medical history doesn't warrant it as any Physicians Assistant, Nurse Practitioner, or Doctor in the US can do the entire USCG exam without any special equipment. The special tests and equipment are only needed if you have checked yes to any of the preexisting conditions or the medical professional finds something they need to investigate further.

A Transportation Workers Identification Card (TWIC) will cost you $124. A USCG DOT 5-Panel drug test varies depending on where you are in the country from $75 to $150.  You will also need to find a copy of your birth certificate or have a valid passport.

The total cost for an entry level merchant mariner credential is around $650. You also need to take into account the wages you will lose as each of these things will take at least half a day which means you are going to lose two full days of work.

Do ordinary seafarers only work in the deck department?

Yes, but the best part about holding a USCG MMC is that you are always qualified to work as a Wiper or in the Stewards department as well as working as an Ordinary Seafarer. If you are working as a Ordinary Seafarer you will most likely be helping with general maintenance and upkeep of the ship, cleaning, and taking care of cargo.

As you gain more sea service you will quickly be able to qualify for able seafarer and eventually the wheelhouse if that is your goal.

What does a wiper do on a ship?

Wiper's work with the engine department on vessels that have engine rooms you are able to get into. Wiper is where you start when you are beginning to work as an engineer on commercial vessels. Your daily tasks will involve cleaning, wiping up oil, and small maintenance jobs around the ship.

As you gain more sea service you will quickly be able to qualify for a Qualified Member of the Engine Department (QMED) endorsement and eventually Chief Engineer if that is your goal.

Why do you only charge $10 when others are charging $250 plus the USCG fees?

The entire MM-SEAS USCG Licensing Software team are hawsepipers who did not have anyone to help us with our paperwork when we started out. We all personally understand that getting an MMC is a big investment  and want to help anyone who wants to break into the industry and progress in their careers.

We all wished someone was there to help us out and $10 is what we all agreed we could afford when we were starting out.

This special pricing is for mariners who are obtaining or renewing entry level endorsements of Ordinary Seafarer, Wiper and Food Handler on their own without any other program or employer support. If you are getting your first MMC it will be a flat fee of $150 and if you are renewing your current MMC it will be a flat fee of $105. You do not need to do anything special other than let us know when you are submitting that you only want the entry level endorsements.

As you progress in your career and apply for higher licenses, you can continue to use MM-SEAS for free, and then $349 per application which includes the fees.