
Merchant Mariner Credentials made simple

We’ve spent years digging through the all of the rules and regulations that are available from the USCG and in the US Code of Federal Regulations to build MM-SEAS

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Stress Free MMC Submission $349 (Includes fees)
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We built MM-SEAS to break down USCG bureaucracy

But here are the main resources we use to build MM-SEAS if you want to navigate the process on your own:

The USCG National Maritime Center →USCG Policy & Regulations →46 CFR PART 10 — MERCHANT MARINER CREDENTIAL →

How can I get documents that I misplaced that I previously submitted to the NMC?

To clear up a common misconception, your documents are not kept at the NMC but instead sent to the National Archives after your license has been issued.

To get them back from the archives takes a little while but is pretty easy.

First: Fill out the Correspondence Request. Pro-tip: Select "Copy of Entire Record"

Second: Print it, Sign it and Scan it

Then Email it to:

It will take a couple of months but out of the blue you will get a package in the mail!