
What to Do If You Lost Your TWIC Card

Report a lost TWIC card ASAP to the TWIC Help Desk. Replacement costs $60. You can still work while waiting for the new card.

3 mins read・Jan 25, 2023
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The Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC®) is required by the Maritime Transportation Security Act for workers who need access to secure areas of the nation’s maritime facilities and vessels.

You will need to get a TWIC card to get any USCG License and Rating for the first time.

Person using a laptop and smartphone, related to replacing a lost TWIC card for USCG license.

Your TWIC card is extremely valuable, and you should treat it with as much care as possible.

If you’ve lost your TWIC card, the first thing you should do is make sure it’s actually lost. Check all of your work pockets, in between your couch cushions, in your car, etc. Hopefully you find it and can avoid the process of getting a replacement card.

Here’s what to do when you’ve lost your TWIC card, if it’s been stolen, or it’s been damaged and you need a replacement.

Report your lost card

Since your TWIC card is attached to your personal information and gives you access to secure areas, you need to report that you’ve lost it ASAP.

Call the TWIC Help Desk at 1-866-DHS-TWIC (1-866-347-8942) to report your card lost, stolen, or damaged. They will get your info and start the replacement process. Getting a replacement card will cost you $60, and the Help Desk will email you a payment receipt and payment confirmation number.

If you do not have access to your email, it’s recommended that you go to your nearest Enrollment Center to report your card lost/stolen and purchase your replacement card.

You can also fill out an Online Replacement Request here to see if you’re eligible for a replacement. This may take longer, so we recommend calling the Help Desk first.

Whether you report your card at an Enrollment Center or via the TWIC Help Desk, make sure you get a receipt for payment (in person or via email) as well as a ticket number. This is a record of your transaction and your receipt can be used for temporary access into secure areas.

Once you reported your card lost or stolen, you may have 7 days of unescorted access to a secure facility, if you meet these requirements:

- The facility’s security staff knows that you had a valid TWIC

- You have previously been given unescorted access

- You have reported your card lost or stolen to TSA (and have the receipt)

Replacing your card

The good news is that U.S. Coast Guard policy allows workers who meet certain requirements to continue to have access to a regulated facility while waiting for their replacement card. You should be able to work while you’re waiting for your new card.

Your replacement TWIC card can be shipped to your home address, or the enrollment center where you initially enrolled. If you need your card sent to another location, call the TWIC Help Desk (1-866-347-8942) and request a card transfer.

How long does it take?

The TSA website says you should allow up to two weeks to receive a notification about the availability of your new TWIC card. You can check your status online at any time.

Can you use your old card if you find it?

No. That’s why you want to double-check that your card is really lost before you report it. If you find your card after ordering a replacement, you should destroy the old card or return it to the TSA address on the back of the card.

Do I need a TWIC to renew my MMC?

No. You do not need a TWIC to renew your USCG License. But, if you need it for work, then you need one for work. You will still need to report your card as lost but you don't need to worry about getting a new one if you don't need it for work.

If you don't need a TWIC for work then you should not waste your money on renewing! MM-SEAS will create a perfect TWIC Exemption memo for you if you don't need your TWIC any more. Signing to your account and click on TWIC in the renewal checklist, then click the red "Generate TWIC Exemption" button.

Devices showing MM-SEAS platform for managing USCG MMC renewal, upgrades, applications, and sea service records.

We hope this made your life a little easier and if you have other questions the MM-SEAS team is always here to help!

MM-SEAS is free to use on your own and if you need some more personalized help you can upgrade to MM-SEAS Pro inside of the site.

No matter what, when you are ready to submit your application, you can choose to have the MM-SEAS staff create a perfect application, handle the USCG application fees and work with the USCG on your behalf to resolve any issues for a flat fee of $349 or you can choose to submit on your own.

Pro MM-SEAS members get access to unlimited live 1 on 1 calls with one of our USCG Licensing Specialists. We've found that answering questions live with screen sharing in a video call makes both of our lives easier. Pro MM-SEAS members can access these features inside of MM-SEAS under License Guidance.

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About the author

Nate Gilman
Nate Gilman

Nate has over 15 years of professional maritime experience and has hawsepiped his way to a 3rd Mate Unlimited Endorsement with full STCW compliance. He is proud veteran of the NOAA Commissioned Corps.

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