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Your clinic won't send USCG Drug Test results. It's on you to include them in your license application. Learn the right steps.
Your completed USCG drug test form (Federal Drug Testing Custody and Control Form or CG-719P) is returned to you by your clinic. Usually this is returned via email and will include your test result as well as the medical review officer's (MRO) signature.
It is the mariner's responsibility to send this form to the USCG as part of the application for USCG license or Merchant Mariner Credential. The clinic does not send it on your behalf. If you use MM-SEAS to file a STRESS FREE application, MM-SEAS staff will double check your uploaded drug test form for errors or missing signatures before it is submitted.
If your result is positive:
Per 46 CFR 16.201(c), positive drug test results MUST be reported to your local Coast Guard Sector. The local sector will determine what actions need to be taken. A positive drug test can result in an assessment period that may result in the Coast Guard not issuing your renewal.
Going to get your Drug Test completed for your application? This guide will help make it easy!
We hope this made your life a little easier and if you have other questions the MM-SEAS team is always here to help!
MM-SEAS is free to use on your own and if you need some more personalized help you can upgrade to MM-SEAS Pro inside of the site.
No matter what, when you are ready to submit your application, you can choose to have the MM-SEAS staff create a stress free application, handle the USCG application fees and work with the USCG on your behalf to resolve any issues for a flat fee of $349 or you can choose to submit on your own.
Pro MM-SEAS members get access to unlimited live 1 on 1 calls with one of our USCG Licensing Specialists. We've found that answering questions live with screen sharing in a video call makes both of our lives easier. Pro MM-SEAS members can access these features inside of MM-SEAS under License Guidance.