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On December 1st, 2023, all USCG approved First Aid and CPR courses are now required to include AED. We will help you verify your training.
The USCG is very picky when it comes to what is printed on your course certificate, and due to a recent change in course requirements for First Aid/CPR, schools have had to change the wording on their course certificates.
The requirements for USCG-approved First Aid and CPR classes were updated to include AED effective December 1, 2023.
If you took a class before December 1, 2023, that is no problem, it just means you might not have had a lesson on how to use an AED (Automatic External Defibrillator).
We recently learned that at least one USCG-approved school has had its course certificates kicked back because the wording was not correct.
Even though the issue is essentially a typo, you are going to want to make sure your course certificate is correct before you submit it to the USCG.
If you took an Emergency University First Aid / CPR course before December 1, 2023, then you should see the following course names and codes on the course certificate:
Before December 1, 2023:
USCG Accepted Adult CPR (EMERUN-11)
USCG Accepted Basic First Aid (EMERUN-59)
If you took an Emergency University First Aid / CPR / AED course after December 1, 2023, then you should see the following course name and code on the course certificate:
After December 1, 2023:
USCG Accepted CPR/AED and First Aid (EMERUN-203)
If your course certificate doesn’t have the date, course name, and course code corresponding as we have shown here, we recommend you reach out to your instructor at Emergency University to get your certificate corrected.